On August 12, 2015, a New Mexico appeals court overturned a lower court ruling legalizing assisted suicide and directing that it not considered suicide in that state. Here is a link to this extremely good news: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/aug/11/new-mexico-court-of-appeals-strikes-down-right-to-/.
Even in the wake of all the publicity surrounding the Brittany Maynard case, state legislature after state legislature has declined to legalized assisted suicide after hearing the evidence of its dangers to patients’ freedom of choice. According the the Patients Rights Council, 8 states killed assisted suicide bills outright, and 18 states have bills on which action is has been left hanging: http://www.patientsrightscouncil.org/site/failed-attempts-usa/.
So Vermont remains on the lunatic fringe, along with Oregon and Washington.