A person with disabilities replies respectfully to a person who committed suicide with assistance at the Swiss suicide clinic Dignitas and who wrote a letter advocating for assisted sucide to be legalized in his homeland of Canada: ...a vital social ecology is gravely threatened by policies that accept uncritically the proposition that severe physical incapacity strips life … [Read more...] about Those Who Cannot Move or Swallow or Bathe or Breathe or Speak Independently Know that the Proposition that Severe Physical Incapacity Strips Life of Value, Dignity and Purpose Is Both False and Dangerous. Our Very Survival Depends Upon Your Knowing It Too.
Devaluation of Lives with Disabilities
Elaine Kolb Sings It All at the Not Dead Yet Press Conference in Connecticut
You don't have to read to learn why disability rights activists are so opposed to assisted suicide. Listen to this song by disability rights activist and performer Elaine Kolb. You will love the song, and you will learn a lot. Elaine Kolb Sings the Not Dead Yet Song in Connecticut: … [Read more...] about Elaine Kolb Sings It All at the Not Dead Yet Press Conference in Connecticut
Once More, the Facts: Why Assisted Suicide is Dangerous
Massachusetts is one of several states where the proponents of assisted suicide are trying for legalization again. Two years ago the voters there defeated it in a referendum, so now they are circumventing the voters by going directly to the legislature, as they did in Vermont. In the article, disability rights advocate John Kelly does his usual brilliant job of stating the … [Read more...] about Once More, the Facts: Why Assisted Suicide is Dangerous
Why Connecticut Should Not Legalize Assisted Suicide and Why Vermont Should Repeal Its Law
Thanks to Leslie Wolfgang for an excellent op-ed piece in today's Hartford Courant. The reasons why CT should not legalize assisted suicide are the same reasons why Vermont should repeal its assisted suicide law. This cannot be done until the next biennium, which begins in 2015, after an election this fall. Now is not too early to tell your legislators that you want this law … [Read more...] about Why Connecticut Should Not Legalize Assisted Suicide and Why Vermont Should Repeal Its Law
John Kelly Debates Man Who Wants to Die with a Doctor’s Help after Making Himself Terminally Ill by Declining Treatment That Could Give Him Several More Years of Life
Declining treatment when one is clearly going to die soon in spite of anything that medicine can offer is one thing, but rendering oneself terminally ill by declining treatment that could offer several years of life seems another thing to us. That is what Robert Mitton, who was featured in a recent NY Times article we won't link, a puff piece for assisted suicide, wants to … [Read more...] about John Kelly Debates Man Who Wants to Die with a Doctor’s Help after Making Himself Terminally Ill by Declining Treatment That Could Give Him Several More Years of Life