Ezekiel Emanuel has spent his life building an impressive resume and now, at age 56, he wants the world to know that by 75 he plans to stop working so hard. In fact, he says that if he is still alive at 75, his master plan is to “stop all medical treatment” with the goal of avoiding such horrors of old age as frailty and forgetfulness. Emanuel told Judy Woodruff on PBS News … [Read more...] about Ezekiel Emanuel’s Latest Rant
Disability Rights Groups' Opposition
More on Prejudice and Presumption about the Value of Life with Disability
Read the comments as well as this excellent blog post against assisted suicide. Why do those who do not tolerate the stereotyping of people of color or women so easily and unthinkingly make and state judgments that the lives of people with disabilities and old people as not worthy of support? These people's lives are already endangered, and legal assisted suicide will … [Read more...] about More on Prejudice and Presumption about the Value of Life with Disability
The Double Standard of Assisted Suicide
This blogpost from Paul Russell addresses Australia's most recent euthanasia-related controversy: http://blog.noeuthanasia.org.au/2014/07/at-last-we-wake-up-to-dr-death.html Russell states that tolerance of any suicide sends a very mixed message such that, "Suicide should be prevented, except, perhaps, you know, when you're really ill or dying; or maybe when you're very … [Read more...] about The Double Standard of Assisted Suicide
Those Who Cannot Move or Swallow or Bathe or Breathe or Speak Independently Know that the Proposition that Severe Physical Incapacity Strips Life of Value, Dignity and Purpose Is Both False and Dangerous. Our Very Survival Depends Upon Your Knowing It Too.
A person with disabilities replies respectfully to a person who committed suicide with assistance at the Swiss suicide clinic Dignitas and who wrote a letter advocating for assisted sucide to be legalized in his homeland of Canada: ...a vital social ecology is gravely threatened by policies that accept uncritically the proposition that severe physical incapacity strips life … [Read more...] about Those Who Cannot Move or Swallow or Bathe or Breathe or Speak Independently Know that the Proposition that Severe Physical Incapacity Strips Life of Value, Dignity and Purpose Is Both False and Dangerous. Our Very Survival Depends Upon Your Knowing It Too.
Elaine Kolb Sings It All at the Not Dead Yet Press Conference in Connecticut
You don't have to read to learn why disability rights activists are so opposed to assisted suicide. Listen to this song by disability rights activist and performer Elaine Kolb. You will love the song, and you will learn a lot. Elaine Kolb Sings the Not Dead Yet Song in Connecticut: … [Read more...] about Elaine Kolb Sings It All at the Not Dead Yet Press Conference in Connecticut