The link below contains an article about Dutch ethicist Theo Boer’s testimony against legalization of assisted suicide/euthanasia before the British House of Lords. At the end you can find the testimony itself.
Dr. Boer points out that, in the Netherlands:
1. With euthanasia deaths and assisted suicides increasing at a rate of 15% annually, “euthanasia is on the way to become a ‘default’ mode of dying for cancer patients”.
2. Traveling euthanasia doctors kill patients after seeing them an average of only 3 times.
3. Advocates “will not rest until a lethal pill is made available to anyone over 70 years who wishes to die”.
4. Suffering has been re-defined to include aging, bereavement, and loneliness.
5. A new law aims to force doctors unwilling to prescribe or administer lethal doses of drugs to refer patients to willing doctors.
6. Pressure from relatives and the desire not to burden them are “in some cases.., important factor(s) behind a euthanasia request.”
7. Not even the review committees” (established by the law to protect patients) “have been able to halt these developments”.