Wesley J. Smith has contributed an excellent article to the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network about the promotion of the “Duty to Die” theory within the medical community. At True Dignity Vermont we have repeatedly argued that legalization of assisted suicide will lead to the sick and disabled feeling an obligation to commit suicide, for not wanting to burden family emotionally and/or financially. In this article, Wesley Smith traces emerging arguments within the medical community that further encourage this “duty to die,” extending it beyond a family obligation to a social duty. It seems as the government role in health care increases, some in the medical community believe that our “duty to die” extends to society as a whole in terms of keeping the costs ofi down. The “duty to die” theory is being applied to situations where doctors feel care is “futile” (the Baby Joseph case is a perfect example of this). It has been further suggested that the “duty to die” be applied to situations where care is considered only marginally beneficial. View the entire article here http://www.cbc-network.org/2011/10/the-duty-to-die-advances/