The judiciary committee met today at 10am to discuss the amendment to S.77 from yesterday’s session.
During the session a new amendment by Senator Cummings was reviewed.
The Cummings amendment was different by primarily in wording and in eliminating the “Double effect” wording.
The Committee voted 5-0 on the Cummings amendment after striking two items.
First item was defining a bonafide health care professional as one “of not less than six months’ duration”. This wording was stricken by the committee in consideration that a oncologist or other doctor that may be needed during a terminal illness may not have a relationship of 6 months with a patient.
Second item that was stricken was allowing PAs, nurses, etc (non MD or Osteopath Drs) immunity. The thought was that this was a serious concern and only MDs and Osteopaths should have prescribing immunity.
All in all the Cummings amendment seems to be a better worded bill. Though True Dignity would rather a strict prohibition.
The Cummings amendment now goes to the senate where it can be accepted.
A note about the proceedings, Former Senator Bloomer, Clerk of the Senate, came and answered questions about the original wording of the bill.
The original wording could be re-added in addition to, but not in place of the currently voted on amendment. So we still need to be vigilant.