One would think that in such a small state as Vermont there wouldn’t be such a large disconnect between the people on the street and the representatives they elect. We see our elected folks in the stores, on the marketplace, what have you. But, no, that’s just not the case.
Once again, rumblings are being heard that certain political action groups will be grabbing the ears of our legislators asking them to reintroduce doctor-prescribed suicide in 2012. My first reaction when I heard about this proposal was: “aw, come on, are you kidding me?”
There is no big ground swell of support for this bill. Whenever the “supporters” hold a rally on the issue, the same 20 or so people show up! I learned back in grade school that we elect representatives to take care of the big problems that as individuals we can’t manage for ourselves.
I wish our legislators in Montpelier would stick to the really big issues like, oh, I don’t know, the cost and cleanup in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene; or maybe planning for the next Tropical Storm Irene or severe ice or snowstorm; or maybe keeping our health care premiums and power bills and property taxes as low as possible while still ensuring everyone gets what they need?
Instead, I hear that the Legislature might spend all kinds of time on this doctor-prescribed death bill. Honestly now, what is wrong in Montpelier? Readers, please recall the bill was soundly defeated in the House a few years back. Vermont didn’t want this legislation then, and Vermont still doesn’t want this legislation now!
Let me make a suggestion: Legislators: Get back in touch with the people!