This article just popped up on Yahoo news (
The New England Journal of Medicine, most of whose readers are medical professionals, conducted a poll in which readers were asked to decide whether assisted suicide should be an available end of life option for the terminally ill. 65% of the voters, worldwide, said no. In the US, the figure was 67%. A majority of voters in 18 states voted for assisted suicide; “interestingly”, according to the Yahoo article, Oregon and Washington, where assisted suicide actually is legal, were not among them. Perhaps medical professionals there have learned some sad lessons about how these laws work in practice.
Sadly, the proponents of physician assisted suicide don’t care about the opinions of medical professionals, who, they believe, are only there to serve their patient’s wishes, regardless of their own deeply held opinions and regardless of the risks these professionals believe engaging in assisted suicide presents to those who surely die prematurely under pressure or outright force, not by their own free choice.