An article in the UK newspaper The Telegraph reports on a survey of members of the British House of Commons conducted by Care Not Killing, a group opposing legalization of assisted suicide ( The poll found that 62% of the MPs oppose legalization.
An assisted suicide bill is expected to be introduced in the House of Lords next year, but even if it were to be passed there, it could not become law, since it would not win the necessary passage the House of Commons. This is very good news.
According to the article, the MPs had these concerns:
1. “…people with disabilities or long-term illnesses would be more likely to feel that they were a “burden” to their loved ones during a recession, “
2. “…changing the law could lead to vulnerable people – including even those with treatable conditions such as depression – feeling under pressure to opt for suicide.”
True Dignity agrees with the MPs that people will feel pressure to commit suicide anywhere assistance in suicide is legal. Proponents of assisted suicide are fond of proclaiming that it would enable freedom of choice, but freedom of choice can only be sustained under pressure by the strongest, most self-confident, most determined and people.
Legalized PAS is a direct threat to choice for most people. For that reason alone, as the British and Canadian parliaments and every legislature in the US that has ever considered it have realized, it should be rejected.