What a tremendous effort was expended to make sure our towns and roads were accessible after Tropical Storm Irene! Vermonters are grateful for the extra work and the sleepless nights that allowed such quick access to every town that was devastated, and that also allowed the “leaf peeper” tourists to come and see the beauty of our state as well as the amazing recovery from the destruction.
Now our legislators are going to have to figure out how to pay for all the necessary work done and still to do. They do not need any controversial bill to have to also consider.
I humbly request the leaders in the Vermont House and Senate to give the economic and financial position of our state the first and most important position in their line-up of bills.
I also wish to point out the foolishness of once again bringing up the physician assisted suicide bill when it has been defeated in the last biennium, and has caused such arm twisting, emotional and divisive results. Why should the Legislature wish to ignore the economic status and take up an already controversial bill? I certainly hope they do not!