Good grief! The percentages in this poll are 87.5% yes and 9.62% no on the question, “Are you in favor of the Death with Dignity Act?”. The Death with Dignity Act would legalize assisted suicide in Massachusetts. Unless the state legislature votes on it before it adjourns, which it shows no indications of doing, this will be a yes or no question on the ballot in November. While no state legislature has ever passed assisted suicide, the people of Oregon and Washington voted it into law. It is difficult to educate ordinary citizens on the great dangers of a law which sounds so innocuous, and it is even more difficult if the idea appears to be popular.
Please vote NO on this poll as soon as you possibly can. Here’s the link to it:
What happens in Massachusetts matters. A defeat can prevent attempts at legalizaton here in the near future. A win would almost certainly set up another big battle here and in other New Engliand states, with proponents claiming that the people of want this law.